May, 2023: "American Psycho" by Bret Easton Ellis

Book cover, American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis.Author: Bret Easton Ellis
Genre: Transgressive fiction
Published: 1991
Pages: 399
Reading started: May 15th, 2023
Current progress: Page 399 of 399 (100%)
Reading ended: June 1st, 2023. This book was successfully finished in 17 days.
Effective reading time: 11 hours, 25 minutes (1 minute, 43 seconds per page)
Number of sessions: 24
Average session reading time: 27 minutes, 25 seconds
Average session review score: 4 of 5
Final review score: 4 of 5

Description Patrick Bateman moves among the young and trendy in 1980s Manhattan. Young, handsome, and well educated, Bateman earns his fortune on Wall Street by day while spending his nights in ways we cannot begin to fathom. Expressing his true self through torture and murder, Bateman prefigures an apocalyptic horror that no society could bear to confront.

View all the books in the A Book A Month project.


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The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.