March, 2023: "I Tilfelle Dommedag" by Egil Aslak Aursand Hagerup

Book cover, I Tilfelle Dommedag by Egil Aslak Aursand Hagerup.Author: Egil Aslak Aursand Hagerup
Genre: Non-fiction
Published: 2022
Pages: 211
Reading started: February 26th, 2023
Current progress: Page 211 of 211 (100%)
Reading ended: March 3rd, 2023. This book was successfully finished in 5 days.
Effective reading time: 2 hours, 37 minutes (0 minutes, 44 seconds per page)
Number of sessions: 6
Average session reading time: 26 minutes, 18 seconds
Average session review score: 5 of 5
Final review score: 5 of 5


Author’s site: (Google Translate) The preparedness book every household should have. How would it feel to be indoors for 72 hours, without internet, electricity or water? For most of us, it could quickly become a rather unpleasant session. In fact, as many as two out of three Norwegians stated last year that they had no plan for such a scenario. Perhaps that was why the Directorate for Community Safety and Emergency Preparedness (DSB) sent out a brochure to all households in the country before Christmas. There we were told to get 20 things to be ready in case of a crisis. But how do you actually store these water cans the state thinks we should have lying around? And how do you solve the toilet situation if the water and electricity disappear? This book gives you the answer and teaches you how to establish a simple and good self-preparedness. If you read it, 72 hours in a crisis situation may not be quite a crisis after all.

View all the books in the A Book A Month project.


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