Book cover, Napoleon by Herman Lindqvist.Author: Herman Lindqvist
Genre: Non-fiction, history
Published: 2004
Pages: 502
Reading started: December 23rd, 2022
Current progress: Page 502 of 502 (100%)
Reading ended: January 21st, 2023. This book was successfully finished in 29 days.
Effective reading time: 15 hours, 16 minutes (1 minute, 49 seconds per page)
Number of sessions: 31
Average session reading time: 29 minutes, 34 seconds
Average session review score: 4 of 5
Final review score: 4 of 5


Adlibris: His dream cost millions of lives. His wars, his reforms and his decisions have influenced the people of the world right up to our time, but what kind of man was Napoleon really? Herman Lindqvist vividly tells the story of the poor Corsican boy who traveled to Paris to become a writer or scientist, and who, after the revolution, seized the opportunity and ended up crowning himself emperor.