A Picture A Day 2015
Ah, yes. It’s December, which mostly means I publish posts summarizing the year. I’ve got a couple of other posts in the works, but getting them done before the year ends depends on Vilde not getting ill with a cold and a fever every other day. How she manages that, I don’t know. Maybe she’s allowed to run around nekkid in the kindergarten. So this entry is just another one of those typical December post, and this time we’ll look at how I did with my A Picture A Day project in 2015.
On the technical side, I added a feature that allow visitors to favorite pictures. Since the project is my personal Instagram1, I’m adding some similar features. So far, pictures have been favorited mostly by myself and Anniken, so I’m not collecting virtual hearts at the rate of Kendall Jenner2 just yet.
During 2015, on September 21 to be exact, I got to the magical 1000 pictures mark. Not all of those one thousand pictures and the ones shot since can be describe as “works of art” - actually, none of them can - but I’ve taken the liberty to select 12 highlights of 2015. Not because they are great shots, but either because I like them or because they remind me of what happened this year: We actually had a little snow early in the year, I ate a few Kebabs, Vilde and I had a great time during my parental leave, the whole family went to Denmark for a week on summer vacation, I spent a lot of time either waiting for or on the boat to and from work, and now we’re waiting for the snow to come back.
In summary? Quite the ordinary year.

A much better way of getting my personal Instagram with all their features, would of course be to just create an Instagram account, but I don’t want to give my pictures to Facebook. ↩︎
In the post where I announced the favorite feature, I used an Instagram picture by Kim Kardashian West, which proves how out of touch I am with the kids these days. Kendall Jenner is of course the Queen of Instagram. Sorry about that. ↩︎
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