An era is over. And I don’t like it...
Ho ho, no updates in a while but things have happened, they have.
First of all I’m still in the process of reading for my end term exams. The main problem is that I’m so far behind the schedule that I’m not sure where to start and I’m screwed times 10. Something weird, like nuclear war (knock on some wooden thingy) has to happen to prevent me from flunking on that one. But I can try again. And again. And again. But if I don’t get it right that time, I won’t graduate. That means I have to come up with something really smart to make a living and judging by my previous achievements, the chance of me coming up with something really smart is pretty damn slim. But I’ve still got one day left before the first exam at NTNU, so I can still learn something. If I find some motivation somewhere in this mess.
In other news; I should mention that I broke up with Stine on Monday. She’d been my girlfriend for 7 months now. Not very much to say about that, except that it wasn’t something I wanted to do, but felt I had to do it because I wasn’t in love with her. Actually, there’re a hell of a lot of things to say about it, but I’m not sure if I want to bother you with the juicy details.
On Tuesday, I went to Oslo to take another exam. I really didn’t need the exam, but since I paid about $5K+ (that’s “over $5,000”) for the study/vacation-trip to Brazil, I decided to take it anyway. Flying down next Tuesday for another exam.
It looks like my Denon amplifier is about to break down. It’s been making strange jarring noises in the mid-range area ever since I got home from Brazil. It’s pretty annoying, partly because it’s basically annoying to listen to noise that’s not supposed to be there and partly because a new amplifier wasn’t on my already tight budget.
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