Sunday, Aug 31, 2014

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Saturday, Aug 30, 2014

16:41:35 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). It's still August, which means it's still ice cream season!

Friday, Aug 29, 2014

12:21:42 CET (Tag: personal) (Oslo, Norway). Sitting in a hotel lobby, watching international news. Reminds me of the old days, when I flew around the world with Mobile TV.

Thursday, Aug 28, 2014

16:58:23 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). It's still August, which means it's still BBQ season!

Wednesday, Aug 27, 2014

07:05:37 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Lysaker, Norway). Seagulls. A lot larger than you'd think.

Tuesday, Aug 26, 2014

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Monday, Aug 25, 2014

06:46:15 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Roe deer doe with three fawns. Usually the doe gives birth to two.

Sunday, Aug 24, 2014

16:31:59 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). Home made pizza, aka The Meat Bomb.

Saturday, Aug 23, 2014

12:06:14 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Cleaning the gutters. One of the many amazing things you get to do as a homeowner.

Friday, Aug 22, 2014

06:31:59 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). More boats. Since I take one to and from work each day, I see a lot of them.

Thursday, Aug 21, 2014

19:45:17 CET (Tag: exercise) (Nesodden, Norway). Went for a run, the first since May and Vilde was born. Total disaster. My teeth hurt.

Wednesday, Aug 20, 2014

20:01:46 CET (Tag: gaming) (Nesodden, Norway). Hunting alien scum.

Tuesday, Aug 19, 2014

07:00:03 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). The Stena Saga steaming towards Oslo.

Monday, Aug 18, 2014

16:18:33 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). I'm on the bus again. It's common...

Sunday, Aug 17, 2014

16:01:33 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Ghost X-ing.

Saturday, Aug 16, 2014

19:55:18 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Living in a rural area means you have to look suspiciously through the kitchen window at what your neighbors are doing.

Friday, Aug 15, 2014

16:26:19 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). Friday. Hooray!

Thursday, Aug 14, 2014

06:53:32 CET (Tag: vehicle) (Nesodden, Norway). Waiting for the boat.

Wednesday, Aug 13, 2014

17:54:49 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Saw this in a movie once. It was just before the UFOs arrived.

Tuesday, Aug 12, 2014

19:52:42 CET (Tag: gaming) (Nesodden, Norway). It's on sale! Do or don't? Don't is probably the wiser choice, I should instead spend time playing through my backlog.

Monday, Aug 11, 2014

16:03:10 CET (Tag: scenery) (Bærum, Norway). The sea is restless today.

Sunday, Aug 10, 2014

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Saturday, Aug 9, 2014

10:56:56 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). Apples from our own tree. Nice! Unfortunately, most of them are either rotten on the tree or eaten by worms.

Friday, Aug 8, 2014

08:10:42 CET (Tag: tech) (Lysaker, Norway). Since I'm listening to music the entire day at work, I decided to upgrade to a better option than my laptop's built in sound card.

Thursday, Aug 7, 2014

06:17:56 CET (Tag: food) (Nesodden, Norway). This slogan? I really don't get it.

Wednesday, Aug 6, 2014

14:44:57 CET (Tag: beverage) (Lysaker, Norway). Getting through the day, one coffee at a time.

Tuesday, Aug 5, 2014

07:18:37 CET (Tag: work) (Lysaker, Norway). Quiet at the office before the storm.

Monday, Aug 4, 2014

06:58:26 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Yes, I'm back on the boat heading to work. Here's the view through the window on this rainy Monday morning.

Sunday, Aug 3, 2014

19:08:46 CET (Tag: beverage) (Nesodden, Norway). Last day of my summer vacation, today's it's back to the rat race. Decided to go out with a bang!

Saturday, Aug 2, 2014

16:21:25 CET (Tag: commentary) (Nesodden, Norway). Instagram has made the Polaroid style pictures popular again, will Fujifilm succeed in physical format with their Instax Mini 8 camera apart from the temporary novelty factor?

Friday, Aug 1, 2014

15:07:00 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Nesodden, Norway). Preparing a virtual shit load of Android camera app reviews. Here's a picture taken with one of the apps, Retrica.

Today in...