Sunday, Jun 30, 2024

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Saturday, Jun 29, 2024

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Friday, Jun 28, 2024

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Thursday, Jun 27, 2024

21:50:19 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Alværn, Norway). It might be time to empty these boxes...

Wednesday, Jun 26, 2024

11:58:14 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Alværn, Norway). Your annual picture of the roses in the garden.

Tuesday, Jun 25, 2024

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Monday, Jun 24, 2024

16:28:55 CET (Tag: food) (Alværn, Norway). Pancake blob.

Sunday, Jun 23, 2024

08:45:05 CET (Tag: scenery) (Bjørnemyr, Norway). Early bird gets the best views.

Saturday, Jun 22, 2024

13:16:52 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). Lunch.

Friday, Jun 21, 2024

17:40:11 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Alværn, Norway). Third and last bedroom going down. There will be a while until next time I paint anything.

Thursday, Jun 20, 2024

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Wednesday, Jun 19, 2024

06:51:01 CET (Tag: commentary) (Oslo, Norway). A thousand dollars say someone's gonna stumble in.

Tuesday, Jun 18, 2024

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Monday, Jun 17, 2024

17:51:14 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). Building Be Gone!

Sunday, Jun 16, 2024

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Saturday, Jun 15, 2024

16:12:29 CET (Tag: food) (Alværn, Norway). This is what happens when four kids are getting pizza.

Friday, Jun 14, 2024

15:39:07 CET (Tag: scenery) (Alværn, Norway). NoMoJune continues.

Thursday, Jun 13, 2024

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Wednesday, Jun 12, 2024

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Tuesday, Jun 11, 2024

15:31:01 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Alværn, Norway). On my daily scavenger hunt to find clothes that the kids just drop whenever they are when they take them off.

Monday, Jun 10, 2024

07:58:39 CET (Tag: scenery) (Alværn, Norway). Good morning, rainbow.

Sunday, Jun 9, 2024

13:46:14 CET (Tag: tech) (Alværn, Norway). Staying relevant in today's fast moving tech world. No, it's not AI.

Saturday, Jun 8, 2024

21:03:53 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Alværn, Norway). Another weekend, another bedroom painted.

Friday, Jun 7, 2024

19:27:55 CET (Tag: scenery) (Nesodden, Norway). Something brewing.

Thursday, Jun 6, 2024

16:04:18 CET (Tag: miscellaneous) (Oslo, Norway). This is always entertaining.

Wednesday, Jun 5, 2024

16:35:25 CET (Tag: food) (Oslo, Norway). After work.

Tuesday, Jun 4, 2024

11:41:41 CET (Tag: work) (Nesoddtangen, Norway). Office time.

Monday, Jun 3, 2024

15:09:39 CET (Tag: food) (Alværn, Norway). Mmmmm, ice cream...

Sunday, Jun 2, 2024

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Saturday, Jun 1, 2024

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