At this time of the year
Yesterday evening and night I spent up at Moholt drinking a few beers at Klas, Håkon and Anders’ place. Those were the only people I knew there, so I got a couple of new acquaintances, people I wouldn’t mind meeting again. I brought the copy of ‘Avalanche’ that I’ve burned for Håkon’s sister Anne with me, and slapped it into the CD player when I arrived at around seven thirty. The CD spun continuously until around one in the night. Good shit.
I went for a walk today to take some test pictures with my new camera, but unfortunately, I found no good motives. This part of the Norwegian spring is just plain ugly with its half-melted dirty snow, dog shit, rotten grass and pale people. But I took a few pictures anyway. The results were photo-technically very good, even though the motives sucked major ass. The pictures are extremely sharp, and the camera is lightning fast. I’ve also done some macro shots, which are just absolutely marvelous.
Tonight I’m heading back up to Moholt to see the last of the three The Godfather movies.
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