It’s Monday and I’ve given the god damn support phone to Espen. Yay!
These days I really don’t feel like writing. It could be that I’m about to have my annual break from blogging, which could mean that I’ll be offline for a couple of weeks. I dunno. I’m beginning to believe that I need a break from it every year, looking back in the archives that’s what’s happened.
Maybe it’s a writer’s block.
Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
just dropped in to say hello. it is hot and dusty here in Arusha, Tanzania, but I’m coping all right. tomorrow we will go to the Taraingire National Park for safari and I am really looking forward to that. not only going to see wildlife, but also to get out of the noisy and chaotic traffic down here.
Please say you brought a camera with you???
Hey! get back here! Humor me!!!!!! Plaese :)
I can be just as entertaining on e-mail. Try me!
Has your X-box gone Ka-Blooie yet, Vegard? Be sure to have a camera nearby when it happens :)
No, not yet - I checked and Microsoft said that my version didn’t require the upgrade. But now it seems like my Xbox than turn into a great-box-of-flaming-fun anyway. Time will tell.
I feel like that sometimes too, and when you do you gotta take a break from it all. It’s supposed to be fun, right?
Exactly. And right now it’s not, but I think it will be fun again some day.
That new lens looks good drooling Be sure to take some pics and put them here so we can critize em :)
Sure will. Just need some good light. Like a sunny summer day in the park, you know.