Blocks of Wood
Yesterday I spent a few hours at St.Hanshaugen where I played Kubb for the first time. It’s an old Swedish outdoor game dating all the way back to the Viking Age where the object is to knock over wooden blocks by throwing sticks at them. Sound pretty damn boring, but it’s great fun - even when you’re sober. Of some reason I turned out to be an excellent throw-sticks-at-wooden-blocks-guy, which is a bit strange because I really don’t have good depth perception. But as soon as Kubb becomes an official part of the Summer Olympics I’m sure to bring home a gold medal. Yesterday the girls did bash us in the end, but that’s mostly because they decided to throw sticks at us instead of at the wooden blocks. It could also be because most of the men’s team had been drinking beer for a couple of hours before we began.
I also, once again, learned how small the world is yesterday. Marie, who I know through Hans Olav turned out to be a friend of Anders, who I know from back home. He was actually in the park when I got there. Also, Marie knew the girl who I met at Parkteateret a few weeks ago - the one who suddenly started making out with some other guy. Marie suggested that it might have been her common-law spouse who turned up. Come again, please? I’m pretty sure that she told me at some point in hour five hour conversation that she was single. Maybe they had split up and her ex showed up after all. Oh, well, who gives a fuck anyway?.
Now I’m going to watch AVP: Alien Vs. Predator and go to bed. Or maybe I’ll just to straight to bed, because tomorrow will be another long day at work…
Three Cali es Cali shots in a row. How long can I keep it up before someone calls me a pig? And this time no “play with my balls”-jokes, please.

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Why doesnt IKEA use this pic for a commercial??
Kubb is loads of fun! =]
i need sex wallpaper
i need sexy photo
What you need, my friend, is Google.