Could need Hitman

Crap. Got the result from the worked-as-a-bitch-for-half-a-year-project I had the last semester at the university. I’m not even going to tell you the result, but I’m seriously considering complaining to some authority at the university, I just have to read the examiners arguments for the grade first. I knew that my report weren’t exactly A-material, but that it was this bad, I didn’t even imagine. And I’m not the most positive thinker around. The grade will stand out like a huge pimple on someone’s nose at the bottom of my diploma, and with today’s labour market, I really don’t need that. Probably even more annoying: Hallvard will beat me by a long shot.

Yesterday was much better than last Friday - which did turned out to be quite good after all, thanks to Therese. I spent the evening at Ola and Hege’s place, watching TV. After having been to the doctors, Ola has become all über-healthy, eating carrots and drinking water. He’s also bought a bike, and is threatening to join me on my trips to Sognsvann. I haven’t been there for two weeks now, but my gears only need a little more fine-tuning before they work perfect (at least semi-perfect, which is good enough for me) and then I’m at it again. If I don’t outrace him up the hills, at least the first few times, I’ll be very surprised.

My hands smell really weird today and I don’t know why.


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