
If you are able to watch the Norwegian TV channel TV3 on your television, I hope you are prepared for tonight. Once again, TV3 is airing the Crème de la Crème of TV entertainment as the season premiere of the Norwegian version of Paradise Hotel is finally coming on. 10 good looking people locked up in a Mexican hotel, their only real task being to get laid on national TV. How can this possibly fail as entertainment!? I doubt it can.
All right, if all we want is to see people getting it on, there are certainly easier ways to see that than to watch a TV show where you know it won’t really happen. The movements you see under the covers might as well be one of the participants having a seizure. But there is actually one reason to watch this show: To get a very good laugh. It’s a phenomenal social study. Let’s have a look at this year’s lineup!

Among the 10 contestants, there are - of course - five men and five women. For some weird reasons there are no rocket scientists in the team this year, but we have a wide selection of other professions: Event manager, model/hair dresser, bartender/team leader, phone marketer, another bartender and - wait for it - a horse chiropractor! I didn’t even know that was a profession, but now I know. How the hell does that work out anyway?

All the contestants have their own video profile, and they all come highly recommended - if nothing else to just get an idea of what you might expect if you plan to tune in tonight. Some of them exercise an impressive level of insight; like Stian. He says that his trick is that he is good looking, because he is not that good at talking to people. Probably not the worst thing to have going for you in the context you’re about to enter, Stian.
If you enjoy doing the facepalm, this will be an excellent chance to do it quite often for about an hour. Am I the only one who finds it a wee bit ironic that the the season premiere is scheduled for the Internal Women’s Day?
“Because of the hair and the boobs, I’ve been labeled a bimbo. I’ve heard that a 150 times before. But I’m not, I can just say that at once.” - Tine, 23 years old, Paradise Hotel 2010 contestant.
Personally, I wouldn’t mind being locked up in that Mexican hotel. Free food, free drinks and lengthy discussions about quantum mechanics by the pool. Sure, all the cameras might ruin the moment, but with the density of CCTV cameras in urban areas today, there’s no real difference.
So, yes, I’m only making fun of the participants because I’m jealous.
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