Gamer’s Paradise
To many gamer’s disappointment it was announced a few months ago that Grand Theft Auto IV would slip past its October release date and be pushed to Q1 2008. Since then there has not been much fuzz about GTA IV in the gaming media, could this mean that the release date will be moved even further ahead? Shock and horror!
Even if that is indeed the case, fear not fellow gamers! Here are a few titles that will be released for the Xbox 360 in October and November. Surely the wait for GTA IV will be entertaining.
Project Gotham Racing 4

Yes PGR4 has already been released in the US, but for some weird reason it’s not available in Europe until next Friday. Out of the four games in the PGR series, I’ve only tried PGR3 but found it very amusing. It’s a racing game that does not take itself too seriously, but at the same time doesn’t back off when it comes to gameplay, graphics and audio.
New additions from PGR3 are motorcycles, strong focus on weather effects and some very polished graphics according to the reviews I’ve seen. European release date for Project Gotham Racing 4 is October 12. Or you can buy it at Platekompaniet in Norway right now.
The Orange Box

The Orange Box is without doubt, the release of the year. Not only do you get the long anticipated Half-Life 2: Episode 2, you get the original Half-Life 2, Half-Life 2: Episode One, Portal (a game you probably shouldn’t play when drunk or high) and the possibly even more anticipated Team Fortress 2.
All that in one box! The Orange Box is released in the US on October 10 and in Europe on October 18.
Need for Speed ProStreet

Some might argue that the Need for Speed series would be better off dead and buried. I agree to some extent, every Need for Speed game is more or less the same game. Try to find 3 differences between Need for Speed Underground 2 and Need for Speed Carbon and I’m pretty sure you’ll have a hard time finding them.
The next game in the Need for Speed series is Need for Speed ProStreet, which is released with the tag line “Design and tweak your car to perfection, then lay it all on the line in high-speed events around the globe.” That sounds pretty damn familiar, doesn’t it?
Even so, there are times when you just want to play a game where you can floor it to pumping electronica until the power goes out and ProStreet looks like that kind of game. US release date is November 13, while we have to wait until November 23 here in Europe.
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Call of Duty is also a game series that have been around for quite some time. The next game in the series will be Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare. And let’s face it, modern warfare is a hell of a lot more fun that dicking around in World War II trenches.
I’m not that updated on the game since I’ve only seen one video, but that was more than enough to make me want more. It’s hard to believe that it’s possible to come up with fairly innovative ideas for first person shooters these days, but Infinity Ward has managed to put some rather nifty stuff into their game.
Each character type has three perks. For instance, one of the bad guys has a “last stand” perk, which enables him to fire a few extra rounds at an enemy even if he should be dead, possibly taking his enemy with him to the other side. Interesting.
If you live in the US you can start play Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare on November 5, but Europeans have to wait until November 9.
Kane & Lynch: Dead Men Men

Kane & Lynch: Dead Men will be a crazy game. If you thought you’d seen the most brutal computer generated violence in public places you’d ever see in GTA or Saints Row, you were wrong. Both those games will look like a Disney production compared to Kane & Lynch: Dead Men.
That the game are developed by the Danish creators of the Hitman series should say it all. If you liked the movie Heat, you will love Kane & Lynch: Dead Men. The game is released in the US on November 20 and in Europe November 23.
Army of Two

When it comes to video games I’m a sore loser, so it’s not very often I play deathmatch games, I prefer co-operative mode. Army of Two does, as the name indicate, focus on co-operative game play.
I certainly hope it will possible to play the game without having to get a buddy to join you all the time, but if that’s the case you can always play a little bit of Kane & Lynch while you’re waiting.
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