Graveyard Shift Dinner
Courtesy of the firm. Makes me want to work 13 hours every day.

Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
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i don’t think i noticed this on your list, which i really enjoyed. i think i’ve seen it credited to oscar wilde
i’ve found it to be useful wisdom for my peer group as we hit significant age milestones, and need to have some semblance of youth to hold onto
"you’re only young once, but you can be immature forever."
thanks for your efforts jon becker
Great site! I believe that the following quote was originally attributed to Lord Apollo, guardian of harmony, balance and grace (originally most likely in Ancient Greek or some other arcane toungue) : "Just because it could be worse, doesn’t necessarily make it better."
Who are you calling coward??!! Don’t worry about his name – it’s probably all cocked up to begin with;) My humble opinion
Your blog sucks you cunt.
This website may not be idiot proof, but at least it’s dimwit resistant.
Nice site, really enjoyed the one liners, distributed them around Australia to friends. Interesting to do list, good idea also. You should put drive across Australia on your list.
In reply to #4 by Anonymous Coward
Wednesday the 21st of February 2007 at 22:15 CET
who wrote "Your blog sucks you cunt".
I didn’t know blogs such as this one could have oral sex?
I want you to stick this at the top of your list, and credit it to me. "Be careful who you fuck over on the way up, cos you may need to fuck them over again on the way down."
I just found your website, its very interesting.