Great Ideas
Every now and then, someone comes up with a great idea. Like Instant Messaging, Bluetooth and mouse gestures. Another great idea that is beginning to see the light of day is Voice over IP, or VoIP for short. Say good bye to your land-line telephone bill. As long as you’ve got a decent Internet connection, a microphone, a set of speakers and some VoIP software, you can make long distance phone calls for virtually nothing.
When it comes to the software, I’ve only tried Skype, but so far it’s working quite nicely, the sound quality is perfect and there is no delay. It’s free and available for both Windows and Linux. Unfortunately, it’s still in Beta and you’ve probably have to pay for it as soon as it reach the first final version, but if you frequently make long distance calls you’ll probably save a lot of money anyway. Skype is a creation of the same people who brought you Kazaa and there are a few nasty rumours about spy ware floating about on the Internet, so use it at your own risk.
With all the money you save on Skype, you could buy some parts and build your own Segway.
The guys over at Cali es Cali have put a lot of good shots online recently. Here is another one:

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I got some ideas