Hey, May!
As every spring, I turn to Threadless to cover my t-shirt needs. Yes, it’s more expensive that picking up a three pack at the mall, but it’s more fun to walk around in a Communist Party t-shirt than a plain white one.
I’ve usually bought shirts with catching illustrations or funny one-liners, but this year I’ve decided to try out some of the other designs1. The reason is that Anniken got me a really nice t-shirt with a design that I probably wouldn’t have bought myself, still I think it works very well. I won’t go totally nuts, of course, I’m old and new things scare me.
I picked out a few designs a couple of days ago and just now realized that one of the is suddenly sold out. You snooze, you lose, I guess. But there are still a lot to choose from. Let’s start with Heartless. A very typical design for me to pick, but the color is something I wouldn’t normally wear. The good thing is that it will prepare me for a possible future as a cone. I’ll take it! It’s the characters from The Wizard of Oz getting a heart for the Tin Man. Funneeeeh!
Moving on.
With three t-shirts in the basket and the grand total now being above the import limit per package in Norway - below the limit I don’t have to pay taxes, if the total value of the contents of a packaged gets above 200 NOK, I have to suck up 25% taxes - I decided to split the order into two separate orders and get a little something-something for a little someone-someone that will arrive later this year2. One of These Days We’ll Fly Away. Look at that: totally unisex (because you never really know, do you?) and a color that hides the stains. Or maybe not. I have no idea.
UPDATE: After actually checking the prices, I realized I will not be able to even split the order in two to avoid taxes, I have to order each shirt separately. With the extra P&P per item, it’s just not worth it, so it seems I will be shirtless this year. Yes, I’m a cheapskate.
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