I downloaded a couple of tracks from the Kahvi Collective today. Generally the songs are quite good, very relaxing. I surely recommend the site.
Yesterday’s urge to break out and do something is not completely gone. A walk in the park with my Digital Rebel and a short session of alternative rock played at an unhealthy volume helped a bit, but I’ve still got this itchy feeling. It’s mostly located in my left foot and my stomach. Don’t ask me why, because I have no idea.
On Friday I bought a backpack for my camera and the lenses I borrow. The backpack in itself was overkill, it’s got room for the camera, ten lenses and some other junk I decide to bring with me. Right now I only own one lens, the one that came with the camera, so I consider the bag an investment for the future. Lenses are fucking expensive and then some, so I doubt that I’ll ever own as many as ten of them. But it’s always good to have the extra room.
Today I brought all the lenses with me, which was a very good thing because I could use the lens that best matched the motive. I ended up taking everything from macro shots to landscape shots. I even took a couple I think I’ll keep, but nothing I’ll post online. If I ever go to Cali, I’ll post some for you.

Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Can you take some pics of the backpack and post them??
its been a week after the party.
are you still in or are you experiencing second thoughts?
There is one thing stopping me and you know what. I think I’ll need a raincheck on that one. Until further notice.