Just take her out the back and shoot her
The plan was to update the site yesterday, but I ended up reading for my exams the whole day, and when I was done with that Stine showed up, so there was little time hacking the site.
Our landlord left for some island on the warmer part of the globe a few days ago. Before he left, he turned off a cable-TV amplifier in his apartment, which is the second floor of the house we’re living in. Unfortunately, turning off the amplifier made all our channels look like space-dust, and that was something we couldn’t live with for a week. So, Hallvard and me were able to get into his apartment and turn of the amplifier again. It looks nice up there, maybe we can change apartments every other month.
I watched about 20 minutes of The Anna Nicole Show. I’ve never, in my entire life, been watching a worse TV-show. Looking at a turned off set is more entertaining.
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