Mobog Test
If you can see this, it worked, I’m able to post entries directly from my Nokia 6230. I can even add pictures I’ve taken with the phone, and use Markdown syntax, like this test link back to self.
Cool, dude! Picture taken during a night in Lillestrøm a few months back.

Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
Go to Oslo City and take pics of some nice booty.
I’ve started doing you-know-what lately, and using the phone to post could lead to some interesting posts…
Does the blog application use the Atom protocol to post entries?
No, the 6230 browser supports most XHTML tags, so I simply made a light-weight page with a webform. Suprisingly enough, the browser supports the file attribute on the input tag, and I’m able to browse the content of the phones internal memory and MMC card and add files.
In many ways, the 6230 is one of Nokia’s best ideas ever.
Ah, okay. I know Nokia is working on adding an Atom client to their future phones. If your server was Atom compliant, you could post directly from a native Symbian application on future Nokia phones.
But I guess you’ll add Atom protocol support to your weblog when these phones arrive. Right? ;-)