On Your Feet, Soldier!

Today I did another dumb thing. The first dumb thing I did a couple of weeks ago was to buy Half-Life 2. Today I bought Battlefield 2, which is probably not the most intelligent thing to do either, considering me wanting to have an active social life and all. I’m playing it on my Dell laptop with an NVIDIA Go 5200 graphics card, low-end hardware that is not officially supported by the game. Because of this, I have to run at the lowest graphics settings, and it doesn’t look that good - but good enough for playing. For some reason I can’t play single player missions, it’s running on about a quarter of a frame per second, so I have to do all my training online - to the utter ignorance of skilled players.

Oh, well, we all have to start somewhere, right?

My old colleagues at the NRK have their own Battlefield 2 eGames team, I just have to work on my l33t skillz and maybe I’ll join them some day. I’m also trying to get Hallvard hooked on the game. When I studied and lived with him in Grimstad and Trondheim he was an excellent Counter-Strike player, so I guess he only has to polish his skills and remember what we learned from when we served in the military together and he’ll be up there playing in the big leagues. And I want to hide behind him and take out the left-overs.

Now I have to start playing on some ranked servers myself, so I can show the world how much I suck at this game on Battlefield 2 Stats.

I plan to do very little than other than to play Battlefield 2 tomorrow, which hopefully will be an excellent day. I might cram in a quick run in the morning, though.

Some of you are probably wondering how this new dating project is going. Like last time, so far, so good. And like last time, she’s still reading what I’m writing here, so I have to choose my words carefully. I think I choose not to write anything at all. But I’ve spent most of my spare time the last couple of days with her and I’m enjoying every second of it.

Like today, for instance, we went to the movies and saw Crash, highly recommended.


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.

The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.