Rome Documentary
Jeez… More than enough stuff to do at work, I could probably work 24/7 for three weeks and still not get everything done. To prevent me from working myself to death, I’m now trying to work normal eight hours or so days. Let’s see how long I’m able to keep it up.
Today I ran for the first time in ages. It was really good doing it again, and that it was raining pretty heavy also made it a good run. For some reason, I really enjoy exercising outside in bad weather. I guess it gives me the feeling of having struggled a bit and getting home alive. Very few things are better than a hot shower when you really feel that you deserved it.
Even if it’s a couple of days since I came home from Rome now, I’m not going to let go of it just yet. When me and Hans Olav were in our most aphetic and desperate state on Saturday night, I filmed our quest for a party with my 6230. The quality is pretty bad, and I guess it’s very you-should-have-been-there-funny, but without further ado, I bring you The Rome Documentary, starring Hans Olav Nome (with some sporadic commentary by yours truly). We’re rambling Norwegian and the clip is in the 3GP format, meaning that you’ll need a compatible player, like QuickTime.
Download the gem directly from
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