I was right, last week at work was hell-on-earth. The below screenshot is from my time tracker and was taken Saturday night at ten past ten. If you’re not normally spending your time in a sweat shop, you should easily find four things wrong with it:

I also punched in about six hours on Sunday, making this a new personal best - or perhaps worst. If you also spent last week in a bubble, mostly cut off from Real Life (TM), here are a few things that happened you should know about:
- The Metropolitan Police in London disarmed two car bombs.
- Apple released their iPhone.
- Matthew Goods 7th studio album, Hospital Music, was made available on his site a month before its release.
I also included some other things, but before I was able to save the document, my MacBook decided to lock up completely. Again. So, does anyone want to join me in a class action lawsuit against Apple for false advertising?
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