Summer has officially opened!

It is with great pleasure I hereby declare this summer for opened. It’s 19 degrees Celsius outside, and the sun is shining from a close-to spotless sky. I’m listening to Avalanche-album by one of the finest artists around these days, Matthew Good. In two hours time, I’m meeting Camilla (notice the link) and I’m going to the movies tonight with her and a friend of hers. If there is a bike I can use, that is. I was supposed to fix my own today, but instead I spent four hours being the nerd I am.

In general, things are good.

Which brings us the the new default theme! Yep, ladies and gentlemen, there is a new default theme available. It is somewhat inspired by the design over at Six Log, but not to the level where they can sue me and take me to court. I’m very pleased with the theme, and you can have a look, too, either by jumping to the theme section and selecting it from the available themes or you can delete the current theme-cookie, which will automatically load the default theme (but - warning, warning - not take you back to this page). Since I’m a Opera user, it will look best in that browsers, but it’s also been tested and found more than useable in the latests Windows versions for Microsoft Internet Explorer (6.0 SP1) and Mozilla (1.4b). If you find any glitches, let me know. You can also tell me what a brilliant designer I am if you find nothing. I already know of a couple of IE errors, but I’m too lazy to fix them. Get yourself a better browser, like Opera, or Mozilla (or something else using the Gecko rendering engine).

This was also the reason you didn’t see any update yesterday. I was messing around with the new theme, and getting it to work properly ment I had to change the structure of the site and update the other themes, too, which took some time. And then it was suddenly time to go to bed.

I was a good boy yesterday and spent seven or so hours down at the university - that reminds me, I have to send another copy of my preliminary report to my supervisor - and got a little work done. The evening I spent BBQing with Klas, Kine, Håkon, Anders, his girlfriend Tone, Marte, her French boyfriend and some other French guy, whose names I didn’t quite catch. Katinka (probably spelled wrong, but what the hell) also showed up after a while. She’d lost her purse with keys, credit cards and her mobile phone during some very hard partying the night before, so she was unable to get into her apartment. Bad stuff. Anders was kind enought to find her purse and bring it back to her. Good stuff.

Kine and Marte also managed to lock themselves out of their apartment, but Klas was a good monkey-boy and climbed up to the second floor where he got in through an open window. I’ve got some pictures from the event, but right now I don’t have the time to upload them, I need to get something to eat before I’m leaving.


Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.


It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.

The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.