I’m back in Oslo after a quick visit to Notodden for Håkon’s surprise barbecue birthday party. Not that many of Håkon’s friends were able to attend, mostly because they’ve all moved from Notodden, so his kid sisters - who threw the party - invited their friends as seat fillers. All in all, it was a good party, we ate and drank well and had a few laughs. You can’t ask for much more.
I bought The Last Samurai on DVD as a present for Håkon. Unfortunately, I managed to forget it at home. But he is coming to Oslo when Roar and Øyvind are having their house warming party later this summer, so he can get it then. Forgetting the DVD was convenient in a way, too, since I could borrow the DVD from him before he even got it. So I watched it tonight. Happy birthday!
The story of the IIS 5.0/Internet Explorer exploit moves on. It’s been speculated for a while that the exploit might be linked to the Russian Mafia, giving them access to everything you type, including stuff like credit card numbers, passwords, social security numbers and whatnot. The Computer Emergency Response Team, CERT, is now recommending that people dump Internet Explorer in favour of a safe browser. CERT usually just recommend installing available patches, but in this case, no patches are available. From
CERT recommends that Explorer users consider other browsers that are not affected by the attack, such as Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Netscape and Opera. Mac, Linux and other non-Windows operating systems are immune from this attack.
While IE users scramble to secure their systems, prepare class-action lawsuits and install Linux or buy stylish PowerMacs, the rest of us can enjoy yet another photography from Cali es Cali:

Do you have any thoughts you want to share? A question, maybe? Or is something in this post just plainly wrong? Then please send an e-mail to vegard at vegard dot net
with your input. You can also use any of the other points of contact listed on the About page.
I think The Last Samurai is a really cool movie. if you can look beyond the few mistakes. the one scene where he is ambushed in an alley is awesome.
and yes. the surpriseparty was alot of fun. especially the walk home, don’t you think? cant’ wait to get your comments on-you-know-what…
(am I commenting enough for you now?)
Bring on the comments! It’s a nice way for me to justify my ramblings.
I’ve got a few good pics from our walk home on my mobile, by the way.
mail me….
Awh, lemme post ’em.