
Gunnar sat on a plane for two hours to London. Then he sat on a plane for eight hours to San Diego. There he held a thirty minutes talk about mobile positioning. When he was done, he sat on a plane for eight hours to get back to London. Then Gunnar sat on a plane for two hours to get back to Oslo. Somewhere in between all this flying, he bought South Park season four on DVD for me. Good stuff. The fourth season introduces Timmy, a retarded - whops, sorry for not being PC here, of course I meant “mentally challenged” - kid, a great character indeed. I’m not sure if any of the episodes from season four actually ever aired here in Norway, because I can’t remember having seen many of the episodes on the first DVD.

Buying it in the US means about half the price compared to getting it in a store in Norway. Ordering the DVDs from Amazon wouldn’t have made it much cheaper, since I have to pay taxes to get the packaged into the country. So in the end, a somewhat needless trip to the United States of Lunatics turned out fruitful after all. At least for me. And that what counts, right?

This, gentlemen, will be the last post with Cali es Cali pictures for a while. My archive of unpublished gems is empty, and the last couple of weeks of Cali Caleñas has been somewhat disappointing. It actually looks like they’ve let some of the less fortunate fruits in the salad have a go in front the of the camera. No es mi tipo. Could be that we’ve become a bit spoiled with the quality of the pictures.

Yet Another Cali es Cali Babe


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It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.

The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.