What happened here?

Looks like this Sunday turned out to be one of those “Yeah, I know I’ve been up since nine, but what the fuck did I do all the time?"-days. Just to replay the day, I think I’ll try to recap what happened - at least the things I can remember:

  • Wrote a few pages on the project.
  • Had chats with Tor Olav, Tor-Erik (damn SETI copy-cat - more on this later), Klas, Kristin, Kine, Eirik and Terje.
  • Watched about two minutes of Wild Things. The right two minutes.
  • Got an SMS from Stine in Estonia. Nice.
  • Played a game where to point was to get as much hurt as possible when throwing yourself down some stairs.
  • Surfed.
  • Opened the front door only to discover that it was only 3 degrees Celsius outside. Then closed the door.

And that’s about. Need…to…get…life…

Regarding the SETI thing. I just think I have to give up on keeping myself ahead of Tor-Erik. It’s just too stressing. OK, if I did have the money to buy a kick ass cluster, I would have done so two days ago, but I need my money for food. Bummer. I’m way too competitive…

Surfing around today, I came across this site. I think a lot of people have a much larger need for attention than me. Although I am considering getting a webcam. Should I? Or would that just scare you off? I really don’t know.


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It looks like you're using Google's Chrome browser, which records everything you do on the internet. Personally identifiable and sensitive information about you is then sold to the highest bidder, making you a part of surveillance capitalism.

The Contra Chrome comic explains why this is bad, and why you should use another browser.